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What is RFID?

Radio Frequency IDentification is a technology for automated identification of objects. In which data as well as energy is transferred with the help of electro-magnetic waves. These fields have normally a frequency in the range of 125-135 kHz. In this frequency range the magnetic component of the field is dominating, so that the term inductive identification can also be used. The system are resistant to dirt, mechanical abrasion, humidity, ice, etc., they require no exact orientation and are consequently  ideal for automated identification processes. 

An RFID-System consists of three components:

Data carrier
The data carrier normally solely of a microchip and a coil. The code carrier is totally passive, i.e. it has no internal energy source..
The antenna consists of a coil and an electronic circuit to generate the antenna field and detect the field influence respectively the field radiated by the data carrier.
Reading unit
The reading unit evaluates the signals from the data carrier received by the antenna and modulates the radiated field of the antenna to communicate with the data carrier. In addition the reading unit communicates with the host system via a standard interface.


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